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Summa Company is searching subcontractors
Actualitatea interna Publicat de AG&F 12 Iul 2006 11:30
Summa Romania is a part of the international construction company Summa, which was set up in Turkey 35 years ago. Today, Summa has offices on 5 continents and many countries such as Romania, Moldova, Russia and USA. Summa Romania is a very active investor and general contractor on Romanian construction market since 2004. Summa Romania is the general contractor of large scale projects such as: Plaza Romania Mall, Bucharest Corporate Center, Millenium Business Center, Bucharest Northgate Center. Currently, the total surface of the projects under construction is more than 200.000 sqm. Summa Romania has been granted the ISO 9001:2000 certificate for Quality Management System. "We invite subcontractors to join our challenge-driven, fast and high quality construction activities in the following fields:*excavation subcontractors- excavation, demolition, piling;*structure subcontractors - structural works (concrete- formwork- rebar works, steel structure works);*facade subcontractors - facade works (curtain walls, aluminum facade covering, stone facade covering, doors etc.);* roof subcontractors - roof covering and insulation;* exterior works subcontractors - landscaping, asphalt works, stone covering etc.;* interior works subcontractors- All types of floor covering, raised floor, suspended ceiling, gypsum-board/brick walls, plastering, paint etc.", according to a company release.Bellow requirements will be a plus for subcontractors:* minimum 3 years of experience in the related field;* high capacity of supplying qualified workers;* availability to work double shifts and on week-ends;* availability of engineers to work on site to supervise their workers.Please apply with your "Company Profile File" containing the bellow listed:* company name, address, contact person, fix and mobile phones;* references, completion certificates;* organization chart;* equipment and machinery list;* other.Summa builds: business centers; shopping malls; hotels; residential; high-rise buildings; infrastructure; waste water treatments as well as drinking water; irrigation systems; housing; hospitals; military facilities; industrial plants; warehouses; prefabricated buildings; highways; powerplants; pipelines; railways; airports; import & export; engineering; consulting and trading. For more informations please contact: tel: +4021/311.88.21; +4021/311.88.22; +4021/311.88.23; +4021/311.88.24, 0727.749.874, 0728.881.002 (Mihaela Vlad), fax: +4021/311.88.20, e-mail: Aceasta adresa de e-mail este protejata de spamboti; aveti nevoie de activarea JavaScript-ului pentru a o vizualiza ; www.summa-sa.ro, www.summa.com.tr
Agenda Investitiilor
DATE DE CONTACT: Agenda Constructiilor & Fereastra - Tel/Fax: 021-336.04.16, 021-336.04.17
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