Evolutie eterogena a sectorului sistemelor de feronerie
Heterogeneous evolution of the hardware systems market
Fluctuatii ale vanzarilor de tamplarie din lemn
Fluctuations in sales of wood products designated to joinery industry
Companiile vizeaza noi cote in domeniul ferestrelor
The companies strengthen their market position
TS LOCKS: Investitie de un milion de euro pentru dezvoltarea logisticii
TS LOCKS: Investment of one million euro to strengthen logistics
EURO-FEREASTRA: Peste 300 de participanti in auditoriu
EURO-FEREASTRA: Over 300 participants in attendance
PREMII 2014 | AWARDS 2014
ALUKÖNIGSTAHL: Un secol si jumatate de noutati absolute
ALUKÖNIGSTAHL: Over 150 years of absolute novelties
VEKA isi consolideaza pozitia pe piata mondiala a profilelor din PVC
VEKA strengthens its position on the global market of PVC systems
ROTO isi reconfirma statutul de lider al calitatii
ROTO reconfirms its status in quality leadership
REHAU propune solutii compatibile cu imobilele sustenabile
REHAU: Solutions compatible with the sustainable constructions
WINKHAUS isi pastreaza standardele de performanta
WINKHAUS keeps its performance standards
AGC vizeaza continuarea procesului de expansiune in Europa
AGC aims to continue its expansion process in Europe
MCA promoveaza sisteme ce respecta cerintele de sustenabilitate
MCA promotes systems that respect the sustainability requirements
REYNAERS: Produse optime si moderne, adaptate la cererea partenerilor
REYNAERS: Modern products, adapted to the partners’ demand
SGGR deruleaza o serie de investitii in Romania
SGGR continues to invest in Romania
URBAN accelereaza ritmul de inovare pe segmentul utilajelor
URBAN accelerates its pace of innovation on the equipments segment
VBH: Raport optim pret|performanta pentru toate gamele promovate
VBH: Optimal price|performance balance for all promoted product ranges
ALUSYSYSTEM: Dinamism accentuat intr-un domeniu aflat in declin
ALUSYSYSTEM: Increased dynamism in a declining field
KLAES: Aplicatii software de ultima generatie, pentru cresterea rentabilitatii
KLAES: Modern software applications, to increase profitability
TRAKYA CAM: Orientare spre vitrajele cu o valoare adaugata ridicata
TRAKYA CAM: Orientation to high added value glazing
ELECTRIC PLUS: Investitii pentru promovarea tamplariei Barrier
ELECTRIC PLUS invests to promote the Barrier joinery