An organized representation of business interests is the only solution |
English Section Publicat de AG&F 31 Aug 2012 08:00 |
![]() The often brought up topic of potential beneficiaries’ precarious credit-worthiness can no longer be considered as seriously as during the first years of economic crisis. If at the time it was deemed acceptable that, for one or a maximum of two years, the orders level should drop (after a potential and maybe risky growth between 2000 - 2008), the maintenance of this trend after four years can no longer be justified by any means. It is clear that the number of persons in search for a house is constantly increasing, and their information level has grown, so that the consumption goods market trend consists in an orientation towards hypermarket commercial networks, while most companies focus on the rental of class A building spaces (or will do in the near future).
Cash flow is a necessary re-launch condition
As noticed quite clearly, the demand has acceptable dimensions, which leads to the idea that problems could be identified around banking institutions (we can by no means blame joinery companies, as they have a direct and immediate interest in using their production factors with an acceptable profitability). As accurately pointed out by a series of financial analysts lately, the so-called strategies for preserving the held positions, reducing losses or obtaining an acceptable profit, completely eliminating risks, transferring "toxic assets" to recovery companies etc. are completely unfavourable, as several essential principles are ignored, the most important of which being that a commercial bank’s main driver is represented by the credit granted both to institutional partners, and final beneficiaries. The paralyzing fear, materialized in credit restriction, the fear of the return of a hallucinating phenomenon like Lehman Brothers, is not only completely unproductive, but can soon lead precisely to that unwanted result. Actually, no customer can provide full guarantees, as it has already been proven that any asset, irrespective of its kind, has an important outage component, whose manifestation intensity depends both on objective factors, and circumstantial or speculative elements. In fact, the solution to this problem, actually quite simple, consists in encouraging credits for long-term investments, which ensure significant added-value. Obviously, banks should no longer find themselves on the opposite extreme, of ignoring the ratio between real revenues and monthly interest, as they did during the time of the "sub-premium" tool proliferation. Without ensuring the necessary cash flow - this true circulatory system of the economy - the risk of irreversibly affecting the whole increases considerably along with the risk of finally compromising banks - who in their turn represent an integral part of this system.
Consumption growth is vital, if not achieved exclusively by means of crediting
There are opinions according to which economic development could be at risk when consumption is endangered. This statement is accurate and true, but only if we consider that the demand element in the respective equation is based on resources obtained from both production activities, and loans. Otherwise, when the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) records a growth only due to support from "foreign" resources, development is no longer sustainable. This principle perfectly applies to the insulating joinery sector analysis. It is clear that a component essentially contributing to the creation of the insulating window demand is represented by beneficiaries’ financial reserves, obtained by saving a part of incomes for investments. They should become financial institutions’ potential partners, as their credit-worthiness is guaranteed precisely by their capacity to schedule such actions and sustain part of the effort necessary for their fulfilment. Sooner or later, things will become relatively clear, but most benefits will go to banks having the capacity to detect and rapidly exploit the respective opportunity. That was the case in Germany for instance, where the saving-crediting sector recorded constant growth during the last years, encouraged on the one hand by a firm legislation and on the other by the coherent support provided by public authorities, and commercial banks. An important aspect we need to remember is that beneficiaries’ material contribution if compulsory.
European money to support the window industry
Several types of solutions were tested in Romania, with a different impact in terms of the various observers. Thus, the national program for thermal rehabilitation developed in several country regions was regarded by some specialists as a successful attempt to save the sector, despite the many problems faced, starting from the low price offered to specialized entrepreneurs, up to the doubtful performances of used materials. However, at least at a first glance, some companies had a work ground, created value, and several hundreds of buildings benefited from more or less significant improvements of energy performances. However, many entrepreneurs complaint about the negative impact of the gratuitousness concept on the demand, indicating a series of preconceived ideas: insulating windows do not fulfil the declared functions (as otherwise they would not be delivered free of charge); own efforts for rehabilitation are not necessary, as these operations will be however sustained by public funds etc. As usually, truth lies somewhere in the middle, and the solution is again provided by European authorities, which have already approved that a significant part of cohesion funds should be oriented towards such actions. It is not very clear if city councils will again apply populist programs, as such destructive initiatives might draw along the withdraw of access to resources. In this sense, it is important to remind the slogan belonging to one of the most experienced entrepreneurs in the sector: "Cheap does not resist, free does not exist!".
Producers’ action methods
Joinery companies, even if representing active elements of the respective system, unfortunately have almost no possibility of influencing its operation. Upon an objective analysis, we can easily notice that all specific means have been exhausted: the product portfolio has already been adjusted to the characteristics requested by the market; the price is at its lowest possible level, which exclusively ensures a minimum profitability level; technical equipment is optimum; distribution in most cases is countrywide etc. It seems that the only option is that of applying an expectant policy. Unfortunately, such behaviour represents the main ingredient of the bankruptcy recipe. By extrapolating an idea of the marketing discipline founders, who stated that this science does not represent a way of selling products, but the method through which sector specialists manage to create a consumption need for sold products, we can assume that, in order to consolidate the local window industry, manufacturers need to support an already existing request, by applying a concerted lobby to the main holders of complementary financial resources.
Article published in the September 2012 issue of the FEREASTRA Magazine. For detailed information click here!