Fereastra - Portal de afaceri - revista de specialitate pentru furnizorii de sisteme si producatorii de tamplarie din PVC, Aluminiu si lemn stratificat cu geam termoizolant. Aici gasiti informatii utile despre: ferestre, usi, pereti cortina, termopane, geam termopan, etc.

Marti, 04 Martie 2025
English Section

List including 570 suppliers of systems for windows & doors
English Section Publicat de AG&F 06 Nov 2012 18:14
It is now available the list including updated data of 570 companies (mainly suppliers of thermo-insulating profiles, joinery hardware, composite panels etc.). In order to complete the information about the entire market of materials used in the windows and doors industry, the economic agents specialised in supplying polyurethane foams, automation systems, shading devices and other types of...
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The list with 653 manufacturers of thermo-insulating joinery is now available
English Section Publicat de AG&F 06 Nov 2012 17:59
It is now available the list containing 536 companies specialized in manufacturing thermo-insulating joinery (by PVC, aluminum and wood) and 32 companies involved in installation activities. The document was suplemented with data about 85 insulating glass units (IGU) manufacturers in order to complete the information regarding the dynamics of the specific market. The information is provided in...
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The pessimistic scenarios, confirmed by daily reality
English Section Publicat de AG&F 01 Oct 2012 08:00
We are currently reaching the fourth year since the start of the Wall Street financial-economic crisis, whose climax was the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers and implicitly the unprecedented unbalancing of the international construction sector. The residential sector’s chaotic development, by encouraging the "sub-premium" system, lead to massive losses both for companies, and...
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An organized representation of business interests is the only solution
English Section Publicat de AG&F 31 Aug 2012 08:00
The local insulating joinery market is currently defined by a paradox: although usually there are all the premises for an accentuated demand growth, similar to that recorded by other European Union countries where the level of endowment with high-performance windows is much higher than in Romania, the general situation is held back and local companies start to feel the increasing need for...
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Joinery sector activity recovery means
English Section Publicat de AG&F 11 Iul 2012 08:00
The first part of the season marking an activity growth on the insulating joinery market is already gone without having recorded any progress in terms of recovery. In the first semester of 2012, the respective segment maintained in the same state of expectancy, which can be rather assimilated to lethargy, already witnessed for over three years. We cannot precisely define the expectations of...
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