Fereastra - Portal de afaceri - revista de specialitate pentru furnizorii de sisteme si producatorii de tamplarie din PVC, Aluminiu si lemn stratificat cu geam termoizolant. Aici gasiti informatii utile despre: ferestre, usi, pereti cortina, termopane, geam termopan, etc.

Marti, 04 Martie 2025
English Section

Cohesion funds for thermal rehabilitation programs
English Section Publicat de AG&F 14 Iun 2012 08:00
Solutions - lately this has been the watchword for all insulating joinery company managers. Even if suppliers themselves face difficulties in terms of activity profitability, the respective companies’ specific problems are much less significant than those of companies specialized in windows manufacture. The stubbornness displayed by the managers of certain smaller or bigger companies in...
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Overcoming recession imposes a change in entrepreneurs’ behaviour
English Section Publicat de AG&F 23 Apr 2012 08:00
In economic theory, trust is defined as a positive condition that allows various types of agents participating in the changes implemented within certain capitalist business relations - investors, entrepreneurs, beneficiaries etc. - to operate in optimal conditions, without having to suffer from influence factors - usually exogenous - which may act in various ways, such as: disloyal competition...
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A 6% drop in the main joinery manufacturers’ revenues
English Section Publicat de AG&F 22 Mar 2012 08:00
The latest data, extracted from the study called „INFO-Joinery market, analysis of the years 2010-2011 and estimations for 2012-2013”, carried out by the Fereastra magazine specialized department, shows the way in which the main 573 companies involved in the manufacture and mounting of windows, doors and/ or curtain walls were influenced by the specific economic conditions of the...
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Sustainable development prospects for properly managed companies
English Section Publicat de AG&F 20 Feb 2012 08:00
The local insulating joinery market has reached a financial results level from which the only possible trend for the near future is exclusively a growing one. The recovery process pace is questionable, potential growths not being expected to record a very flying or uniform pace. This year as well, it is rather very likely to witness a continuation of the sector industry reorganization and...
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Additional regulations for a convalescent sector
English Section Publicat de AG&F 09 Nov 2011 08:00
If the Romanian construction market and implicitly the insulating joinery segment are currently in a stagnation stage, it seems that a completely different situation defines professional organizations representing the interests of business people involved in this activity sector. As proven throughout the other recessions experienced in time worldwide, the less advantageous periods in terms of...
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