Fereastra - Portal de afaceri - revista de specialitate pentru furnizorii de sisteme si producatorii de tamplarie din PVC, Aluminiu si lemn stratificat cu geam termoizolant. Aici gasiti informatii utile despre: ferestre, usi, pereti cortina, termopane, geam termopan, etc.

Marti, 04 Martie 2025
English Section

Passivity or non-involvement, contradictory sides of the state activity
English Section Publicat de AG&F 01 Sep 2011 08:00
According to the results of the most recent market studies, the local insulating joinery sector included - halfway through 2011 - less than 3,000 companies performing this activity, out of which only approximately 800 still carried out operational actions with an acceptable level of continuity and intensity. If the latter is added a maximum of 200 construction companies also performing window...
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Companies applying the expectant policy, for sustainable growth
English Section Publicat de AG&F 06 Iul 2011 08:00
The signals sent by the local insulating joinery industry halfway through 2011 are contradictory, some elements indicating a firm resumption of this sector’s ascending trend, and others confirming a continuation of the activity depreciation. Local companies, irrespective of their dimension or specialization, have approached the recession issue differently, some strategies turning out to be...
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«Consumer rules» represents the new joinery branch paradigm
English Section Publicat de AG&F 30 Mai 2011 08:00
If within two or three years, the recession is included in the category of unpleasant experiences necessary for consolidating in Romania a viable market economy, the moment when the end of this negative phenomenon was officially announced has all chances of being remembered by business people as the most expected event of 2011. The news was communicated against a favourable macroeconomic...
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The year 2011, a decisive moment for the local joinery sector structure
English Section Publicat de AG&F 01 Apr 2011 08:00
As indicated by all available statistic data, the local window and curtain façade sector operated during the recession period at less than half of the installed production capacity, which caused a turnover contraction in this sector down to a maximum of EUR 400 million. Although the estimations of some specialists indicate a higher sector market value, it is unlikely that such a hypothesis may...
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The PVC joinery sector - between survival and reorganization
English Section Publicat de AG&F 09 Feb 2011 08:00
The two years of recession having defined the constructions industry have generated an extremely strong impact on all this sector’s components. The most affected were segments whose activity is defined by a significant added value and in which complex manufacture technologies are employed. This range also includes the insulating joinery and / or curtain façade production activity, which -...
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