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Vineri, 28 Martie 2025
Home - INDEX COMPANII - WPR Srl Unipersonale

WPR Srl Unipersonale

WPR Srl Unipersonale

Adresa: Via Indipendenza, 10, Spresiano, Judet Italy
Telefon: +39 0422 911849
Fax: +39 0422 911292
E-mail: info@wpr.it
Web site: www.wpr.it
Domenii: Utilaje, scule, echipamente
Descriere activitate
Utilaje pentru infoliere profile PVC.
Prezentare companie/institutie
Andreas Smentkowski, Marketing Manager WPR: "Taka si WPR sunt doua companii separate, dar care au actionat intotdeauna in mod sincronizat. Fondata in anul 1999, WPR s-a remarcat inca de la inceput ca un important producator de masini de laminare a profilelor din PVC si aluminiu. Trei ani mai tarziu a avut loc, la initiativa actionariatului WPR, infiintarea companiei Taka, in vederea producerii celor mai performanti adezivi PUR pentru laminare. De la momentul respectiv pana in prezent, cele doua entitati au impartasit mereu aceeasi forta de vanzari aceleasi initiative de marketing, partenerii profitand direct din sinergia ce reiese din acest parteneriat. Chiar daca suntem producatori de masini si adezivi intr-o industrie B2B, punem un accent puternic pe servicii si relatiile cu beneficiarii. Politica noastra este orientata spre client, care este baza tuturor activitatilor noastre, de la dezvoltarea de produse pana la serviciile post-vanzare. Ne asumam responsabilitatea pentru un proces de productie nu numai pentru sisteme individuale, iar succesul clientilor nostri este dovada succesului nostru.
Sustenabilitatea a facut intotdeauna parte din strategia noastra de dezvoltare, chiar daca nu a fost intotdeauna in centrul activitatilor de branding. Acest lucru este in curs de schimbare, astfel incat in prezent dezvoltarea durabila este tot mai puternic integrata in politicile proprii de marketing. Noi comunicam doar initiative tangibile si masurabile, fara a face promisiuni false, spre deosebire de alte companii care isi ecologizeaza intens gama de produse si activitatile de afaceri. La randul sau, digitalizarea are un rol foarte important in toate activitatile desfasurare. Recent am lansat recent doua website-uri noi (www.wpr.it si www.taka.it), ce asigura o navigare moderna si intuitiva a clientilor. Exista si o zona de conectare cu acestia, unde acordam acces la continut exclusiv, cum ar fi tutoriale video, articole, sfaturi pentru industria de laminare etc. De asemenea, investim mult in interfetele si securitatea cibernetica a masinilor promovate si a serviciilor digitale, pentru a garanta un mediu de lucru sigur si usor de utilizat. La infiintarea sa, WPR semnifica «Wrapping Profiles Research», dar cu timpul brandul a devenit atat de puternic incat aceasta explicitare nu-si mai are rostul. In ceea ce priveste numele Taka, acesta inseamna, in dialectul local italian, «lipire», avand o legatura directa cu produsul fabricat. La fel ca in cazul WPR, brandul a devenit independent in timp si nu mai are nevoie de explicatii suplimentare".
(opinie aparuta in revista Fereastra, editia Mai 2023)

TAKA-WPR: Teamwork, the new concept driving the activity
Franca Bajeli
Position/Company: Area Manager, TAKA-WPR;
Professional background: more than 20 years of experience in the field of profile and panel lamination.
The Italian company WPR is leader in the design and production of innovative machines used for producing laminated profiles. Courage and passion joined together to develop high performance profile and panel wrapping technologies. TAKA offers high quality Hot Melt Polyurethane and polyester adhesives for interior (furniture) and exterior (windows) application and other industries. Three modern advanced production units offer the best production capacity, perfect timing, and highest quality.
- Are you optimistic about the future, especially given the current disruptions?
- It is very hard to foresee the consequences that the conflict in Ukraine will have on the global economy. Surely energy cost is the most immediate noticeable consequence so we will have to wait and see. If there is something we have learnt in these last couple of years is that any long-term forecast cannot be reliable. After big growth there is always a shrinking, it’s physiologic! But the world never stopped and never will so yes, we stay positive.
- How have sales evolved in 2020 and 2021?
- Sales of both machinery and adhesives have had a steady growth throughout 2020 and 2021. Surely the excellent service that our partner in Romania “According Group" gives to customers had proven to be successful and beneficial to everyone. Interesting is the fact that the technological demand in Romania has evolved, traditional equipment has left space to innovative new generation machinery that enable a much higher quality control along with highly efficient production process
- What impact do you think the new European Green Deal strategy will have on the market?
- Since most of the PVC windows production is exported to other countries, the European green initiatives have already an impact on the Romanian market, the UE environmental initiatives stimulate the consumption of eco-friendly materials and products that reduce the energy consumption as PVC windows do. Moreover, the programs of most EU countries have helped the end consumer to transform their houses in low energy consumption places at almost no cost, which incentives the consumption and stimulates the production.
- To what extent current trends in digitization will drive activity of the market?
- According to the TAKA-WPR experience, Romania has shown an increasing interest in new technologies with strong investments by Romanian customers in new technology, where new generation machines have responded to local market consensus. In the last 2 years TAKA-WPR has sold and delivered several automatic wrapping machines to Romania. This in only an indication that not only is there a need for production capacity, but also a strong focus on technology and attention to the quality of the finished products.
- What is the message you want to send to your current and potential customers?
- TAKA-WPR mission is to provide customers with means and tools to make the fenestration business grow, with the expertise of our technicians and our high-quality solutions (foiling machines and HMPUR glues) TAKA-WPR High performance products along with the Academy and RnD represent a reliable lifelong partner, replacing the concept of ‘customer-supplier’ with ‘TEAMWORK!".
(articol aparut in revista Fereastra, editia Mai 2022)

Stiri & Comunicate

Agenda Investitiilor
DATE DE CONTACT: Agenda Constructiilor & Fereastra - Tel/Fax: 021-336.04.16, 021-336.04.17
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