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Joi, 06 Martie 2025



Adresa: Theodor-Gietl-Straße 7-9, Rosenheim, Judet Germania
Telefon: +49 (0)8031-261-0
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E-mail: benitz@ift-rosenheim.de
Web site: www.ift-rosenheim.de
Domenii: Furnizori de servicii
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Organism notificat de certificare a ferestrelor si fatadelor cortina.
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ift ROSENHEIM: Fenestration industry trends from Fensterbau Frontale
Prof. Jörn Peter Lass
Position:Director of ift Rosenheim.
Fensterbau Frontale is the leading exhibition of the fenestration industry. ift Rosenheim was organizing on this occasion the special show “Green Deal" together with NurembergMesse and 12 co-exhibitors. Fereastra magazine took the chance to ask the director of ift Rosenheim, Prof. Jörn P. Lass, about the exhibition and relevant trends for the future. Prof. Jörn P. Lass is director of ift Rosenheim and has been active in the window and façade industry for over 40 years. As a qualified glass and window manufacturer, he completed a degree in wood technology and held management positions at a system provider, window and facade manufacturers, as well as 14 years at ift Rosenheim in the areas of research, testing, quality monitoring, standardization and certification. For the last six years, he was head of the "Building Envelope" field of study as a professor at the Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences and has been back at ift Rosenheim as institute director since January 2020.
- Please, offer technical details about the show ift had at the summer edition of Fensterbau/Frontale. What was the main reason convinced you to participate at the event?
- First of all, we have had a close partnership with the trade show for 20 years. Therefore, it is obvious for us to support our partner even in difficult times. But we wanted to make the know-how of ift Rosenheim available to all exhibition visitors and inform them about important trends in technology, standardization and society.
- How do you characterize the absence of important companies from this trade fair? Do you consider the show will register the same audience as the one in normal times?
- The conditions for the leading trade fair of the window industry were not favorable, as the ongoing corona pandemic, the date during the summer holydays, the heavy workload of the companies and the material shortages offered conceivably bad conditions. For the large internationally active companies, it was probably above all the absence of international guests due to the travel restrictions and quarantine rules that led to a cancellation. As a result, the strong visitor promotion by the companies was missing and there were significantly fewer visitors to the trade fair overall. However, many exhibitors experienced "less is more" as visitors had more time to spend with each exhibitor. The special show "Green Deal" was also a great success, with the trade press and many decision-makers and multipliers from Germany and abroad gathering information about the consequences and opportunities of climate change for the construction industry. This also benefited the 12 co-exhibitors, who particularly appreciated the high quality of visitors.
- List the main objectives ift had at this edition of Frontale.
- At the special show "Green Deal", ift Rosenheim and its partners presented technologies that can be used to reduce climate change and manage the climate adaptation of buildings. The consequences of climate extremes in particular are worrying and threatening many people in Germany, Europe and globally. Technologies that protect against heat, floods and storms therefore have great potential. However, there is no single invention that solves all the problems; instead, there are many technical solutions that need to be put together like a puzzle to make buildings more resilient to climate extremes. ift Rosenheim and the 12 co-exhibitors presented the following technologies: recycling technologies for window and façade systems; sustainable building elements and assembly systems; smart home windows with automatic hardware ventilation, with freely programmable ventilation functions, controlled external venetian blinds and switchable glass, as well as planning tools for building automation; front door and PVC window profiles with low deformation in heat and extreme temperatures; adaptive solar shading with integrated controllable solar drive for clamp-on retrofitting of buildings without interfering with the building structure; testing technology and expert know-how for climate resilient building elements and adaptation to climate extremes; technical services and certifications for energy/environmental management (ISO 50001/14001), life cycle assessments, environmental product declaration (EPD), CO2 footprint, etc.; steel-glass door with vacuum glazing (VIG) for optimal energetic renovation of historic buildings; sustainable wood window production with regenerative energy generation and regional circular economy; highly insulating building elements and assembly systems for new construction and renovation to reduce energy consumption.
- Given the current international situation, do you think it is a good idea to resume the events like the Fensterbau or “Rosenheimer Fenstertage" conference in the fall? In your opinion, which are the risks?
- Trade shows are very important, especially in the construction sector, because new products and technologies can be best understood if they can be touched and tested. But personal exchange is also important because many business relationships are based on trust that cannot be built by mail, phone or video. In addition to the technical and business aspects, personal exchange is therefore essential. This was also shown by the exhibitor party at Fensterbau, which all visitors enjoyed with good food and drink and great live music. That is why we will also celebrate the Rosenheim Window Days only live and with a traditional Bavarian Oktoberfest. There will be no hybrid Fenstertage. Of course, there are always risks. If the legal corona rules should restrict the congress, we will offer an online event where the focus is on knowledge transfer.
- To what extent the online and hybrid solutions will become alternatives for face-to-face events?
- After the experience with hybrid "Rosenheimer Fenstertage" in 2021, we have come to the conclusion that this is not a good concept for events where guests also want to exchange ideas face-to-face. Events in which the focus is also on the exchange of participants and networking do not work online or hybrid. When it comes to pure knowledge transfer, online congresses are a good alternative. That's why we have built up the necessary technical and organizational expertise over the past two years. In our own TV studio, we produce a variety of online seminars, discussion panels and other video formats.
- What are your estimations related to next period in the matter of events (trade fairs, conferences etc.) taking into consideration the new reality of digital technologies.
- Most trade shows have tried online formats in the last two years and found that a trade show in the construction sector cannot be digitized. This is certainly due to the fact that construction professionals want to touch and experience new products and technologies. However, trade show presentations and conference programs are now mostly hosted hybrid to increase audience reach and to utilize the high-quality content for marketing in between trade shows. Even if in the Corona period the attendance of the last fairs was lower, the organizers were still happy that fairs can be organized again. We therefore assume that the important leading trade shows will regain their old strength and integrate digital components.
(articol aparut in revista Fereastra, editia August 2022)

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