Furnizori de sisteme
Publicat de Ovidiu Stefanescu
29 Feb 2016 10:51
 In a social-economical context relatively favorable during 2015 and in the first two months of 2016 (despite the seasonal factors of influence), it became evident that an analysis carried out in such clearer circumstances, could show, with a relative high degree of accuracy, the evolution of the PVC systems industry on short and medium term. The main certainty, which is revealed after consulting several indicators, is that, even in the next four years, PVC assemblies will remain the most popular between beneficiaries, due to the increasing demands for energy performance buildings. This is why is predictable that the orders will record a substantial grow and become solvable with increasing the purchasing power and in a context where the appetite for investment in construction will further improve. This becomes more visible, especially because, according to a report by the National Bank of Romania - BNR, the purchasing power has already increased by 10% in the last year. The structural analysis elaborated later show that the surplus of money available to households has been, on the one hand, oriented to the consumption, and on the other hand was absorbed equally in investments in products with long use, as is the case of PVC joinery. Moreover, the BNR specialists estimate within an updated forecast, keeping the annual inflation rate in negative territory at least until May 2016, due to the impact of overlapping the effects of the new Fiscal Code and the increased revenues of employees in at least two budgetary sectors (education and health). It is also possible that the annual inflation rate to be positive again only in January 2017, after the impact of reducing the standard VAT rate will dilute. These realities will lead to an increase of monetary mass in circulation at least until the mid of the ongoing year, supported by an increase in incomes, which are allocating to consumption, savings or investments. In this context, the investors in residential real estate sector, where is located the main driver of demand in the analyzed sector were last year, more dynamic as in the previous 12 months.