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Home - Stiri - Furnizori de Sisteme - WINKHAUS is aiming No 1 position on hardware supplier ranking
WINKHAUS is aiming No 1 position on hardware supplier ranking
Furnizori de sisteme Publicat de Ovidiu Stefanescu 14 Sep 2017 08:37
Winkhaus is one of the most important competitors on the international market of thermal insulating joinery hardware supplier, the company portfolio including evolved solutions and products which guarantee a safe, simple and comfortable windows and doors operation. On Romanian market, the German company has completed 11 successful years of a well growing presence, a big number of the most important producers opting already for Winkhaus products due to their technical performances and superior design. The three product lines, this 160 years old family owned company is standing on, are window hardware, door locks and master lock systems. Mag. Clemens Mörs, Managing Director Of Winkhaus Austria, provides the latest news about the company
- How did evolve the local subsidiary in financial terms during the half part of the current year?
- We considered that Winkhaus made another major step into good growth for this year. Our expectations are also rather positive for the rest of the year, forecasting a solid evolution.
- What suppose the strategy on short term in Romania?
- We just revised our local representation office in Timisoara and are currently doing a lot to adapt more technical equipment, improve skills and adjust the structure to our local strategies. This is an ongoing process to always secure most professional support and consultation of our customers and dealers.
- How evolved the partners portfolio in the last period?
- We’re covering the national market with six dealers that are directly purchasing systems from our central warehouses in Germany. This is geographically most sufficient and allows us to keep all partners on a high level of expertise in sales and support. They can easily co-operate, for example, when it is about the availability of special items, that may be urgently required by a customer overnight.
- Which are the major difficulties you encounter on Romanian market?
- We do not identify difficulties of any kind. It is our task to teach, support and help our clients to improve their product – to simply making them better than others. Giving them new ideas, providing unique selling proposition (the so called USP’s) or improving their competitiveness is our goal. These are the issues that are counting, after having a top product and always securing its availability.
- What do you think about the future evolution?
- After having established ourselves among the top suppliers in Romania, becoming no. 1 of them is our challenge. And we’re having a good idea that we’re yet rather close to that this year. Please forgive, that we’re not disclosing our sales figures here. Having successfully introduced two of our product categories to the market, the next ones are mechanical and electronic master lock systems (high quality door cylinders), which launch shall be started shortly. We’re just looking out for interested and skilled partners that are already working in this field.
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