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Luni, 10 Februarie 2025
Home - Stiri - Furnizori de Sisteme - QUANEX a finalizat cu succes achizitia companiei britanice Tyman Group
QUANEX a finalizat cu succes achizitia companiei britanice Tyman Group
Furnizori de sisteme Publicat de AG&F 25 Sep 2024 13:07
On 1 August 2024, Quanex Building Products Corporation announced that it had closed its acquisition of the British Tyman Group. The merger leads to the creation of a comprehensive, more diversified solutions provider in the building products industry, that offers greater scale and reach and an expanded product portfolio. 
“We are excited to welcome the Tyman team. This transaction accelerates our growth and value creation by delivering best-in-class solutions for OEMs in the building products industry,” said George Wilson, Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of Quanex. “Through the acquisition of Tyman as a combined company, our scale and reach will enable us to build on our leading positions across an enhanced offering of differentiated engineered components.”
Tyman plc, based in London, employs around 3,600 people and supplies hardware and sealing solutions for doors and windows, as well as access solutions for the building products industry in Europe, the UK, Ireland as well as North America. Quanex is represented in the European market through subsidiaries such as Edgetech Europe and Edgetech UK. These specialists in warm-edge technology supply insulating glass manufacturers worldwide with the foam-based, metal-free Super Spacer® spacer systems.  
According to Quanex’s management, approximately 50% of the integration should be completed within the first 12 months. The company expects the acquisition to be meaningfully accretive to earnings within the first full year after closing. 
Quanex is a global manufacturer with core competences and a wide range of applications in various end markets. The company works with leading OEMs to provide innovative solutions in the areas of windows, doors, plastic fencing, solar panels, refrigerators and cabinets. In the future, Quanex plans to leverage its material science and process engineering expertise to expand into adjacent markets.
Tyman is a leading international supplier of technical window components and access solutions for the construction industry. The Group designs and manufactures products that improve the comfort, sustainability, security and aesthetics of residential and commercial buildings. Tyman's portfolio is distributed through three regional divisions (North America, UK, Ireland and Europe) and includes hardware and sealing solutions for doors and windows as well as access solutions for roofs, walls and floors.
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