Fereastra - Portal de afaceri - revista de specialitate pentru furnizorii de sisteme si producatorii de tamplarie din PVC, Aluminiu si lemn stratificat cu geam termoizolant. Aici gasiti informatii utile despre: ferestre, usi, pereti cortina, termopane, geam termopan, etc.

Sambata, 22 Februarie 2025



Adresa: Str. Diamantului nr.81, Bragadiru, Judet Ilfov
Telefon: 021/420.39.76
Fax: 021/420.80.30
E-mail: tslocksdistribution@yahoo.com
Web site: www.tslocks.ro
Domenii: Sisteme de feronerie
Descriere activitate
Unic importator al produselor KALE LOCKS.
Prezentare companie/institutie
TS LOCKS DISTRIBUTION estimeaza un salt de 15% al cifrei de afaceri
Adrian Demusca (41 de ani)
Functia/Firma: director general, TS Locks Distribution;
Experienta profesionala: 15 ani in domeniul tamplariei termoizolante.
Pentru anul 2019, managerii TS Locks Distribution, din Bucuresti, isi propun o repozitionare pe piata, prin indreptarea atentiei, in principal, spre sectorul de retail si productie. Directorul general al firmei, Adrian Demusca, precizeaza ca, in ceea ce priveste segmentul productiei, se are in vedere dezvoltarea sistemelor de feronerie pentru ferestre si usi din PVC, printr-o serie de imbunatatiri aduse acestei game, ca reactie la cererea pietei sau la inovatiile rezultate din cercetarile intreprinse de departamentul R & D al furnizorului Kale Kilit, un nume de prim rang la nivel international si sinonim in Turcia cu calitatea si siguranta, inca din anul 1953. Totodata, in privinta sectorului de retail, se doreste organizarea de noi campanii de promovare, care sa aduca in prim-plan produsele distribuite si sa genereze beneficii supli-mentare clientilor directi.
- Care au fost principalele caracteristici ale pietei de tamplarie termoizolanta in 2018 si ce estimari aveti in ceea ce priveste evolutia acesteia si a domeniului specific de activitate in 2019?
- Piata de tamplarie termoizolanta si-a mentinut trendul crescator in 2018, situandu-se la nivelul consem-nat in anul anterior. In privinta profilelor utilizate, sistemele din PVC isi mentin ponderea majoritara, deti-nand aproape 70% din total, tendinta ce pare a se mentine si in 2019. Totodata, se asteapta ca lucrarile publice si proiectele de reabilitare termica sa determine anul acesta o crestere mai accelerata a vanzarilor din domeniu.
- Ce rezultate financiare v-ati propus sa obtineti anul acesta?
- Pentru 2019 ne propunem sa obtinem o majorare de aproximativ 15% a cifrei de afaceri, in crestere fata de 2018, cand nivelul atins a fost de 3,6 milioane de euro (+10% in raport cu 2017). Vanzarile realizate in 2018 s-au situat usor sub cifra estimata, atat din cauza trimestrelor al II-lea si al III-lea, marcate de diverse fluctuatii in sectorului constructiilor, cat si ca urmare a competitiei din domeniu, aflata in continua creste-re.
- Cum este structurata oferta de produse si cum asigurati distributia acestora?
- Comercializam, in principal, marca de feronerie pentru ferestre Kale, care se distinge pe piata mai ales prin fiabilitatea sa ridicata si prin accesibilitate. Sistemele de feronerie Kale distribuite pe piata romaneasca sunt destinate, in principal, personalizarii profilelor din PVC, fiind simple sau cu dubla deschidere, oscilo-batante, oscilo-culisante si cu microventilatie. In 2018, vanzarile acestor categorii au avut o pondere de 40% din cele totale ale companiei, alaturi de incuietori si manere pentru profilele din PVC (in cuantum de 10%), de elementele si sistemele de feronerie pentru usile din lemn si cele metalice (40%), si de scule, unel-te si accesorii pentru mobilier (10%). Livrarea acestora se realizeaza pe plan national, prin intermediul unei retele proprii ce include sase depozite regionale si acopera opt zone principale de distributie.
(articol aparut in revista Fereastra, editia Martie-Aprilie 2019)

TS LOCKS: Investitie de un milion de euro pentru dezvoltarea logisticii
Furnizorul de feronerie destinata echiparii ansamblurilor de ferestre/usi TS Locks Distribution, din Bucuresti, a raportat, pentru 2013, o cifra de afaceri de 2,1 milioane de euro, pe acest segment de activitate. Vanzarile s-au mentinut la cota inregistrata in exercitiul financiar precedent, reflectand, astfel, o stabilizare a afacerilor, ca urmare a masurilor implementate de echipa manageriala a companiei in ultima perioada. Pentru anul in curs, planul de marketing prevede o majorare a livrarilor cuprinsa intre 15% si 20%, care va fi o consecinta directa a intensificarii actiunilor de fortificare a cotei de piata, precum si a finalizarii unei noi investitii, ce va avea ca efect principal imbunatatirea capacitatii logistice a societatii. Decizia de alocare a unor fonduri de aproximativ un milion de euro pentru constructia unei hale cu o suprafata de 2.500 mp si a unei cladiri administrative reflecta increderea conducerii TS Locks in perspectivele de revigorare a pietei de profil, insa in perioada urmatoare sanse reale de dezvoltare in domeniu vor avea doar firmele ce abordeaza o strategie integrata de dezvoltare.

Adrian Demusca, manager general al TS Locks:
„Putem afirma ca suntem optimisti in ceea ce priveste reluarea cresterii cererii pe piata locala de tamplarie termoizolanta, chiar daca acest lucru nu se va intampla pe termen scurt. O analiza atenta a acestui domeniu indica faptul ca sunt sanse maxime ca sectorul respectiv sa se stabilizeze din toate punctele de vedere si sa se reincadreze pe un trend ascendent. Nu este cert daca vor fi atinse din nou cotele de majorare raportate inainte de declansarea crizei economice, insa, cu siguranta, evolutia cererii de pe piata comunitara va influenta in mod pozitiv vanzarile companiilor locale. De asemenea, potentialul national este semnificativ, urmand ca, odata cu restabilirea fluxurilor financiare la cote normale, vanzarile catre beneficiarii autohtoni sa se incadreze din nou pe un trend ascendent”.

Piata de tamplarie - in stransa corelatie cu evolutia sectorului de constructii
Referindu-se la perspectivele pe termen scurt in ceea ce priveste evolutia sectorului local al constructiilor, managerul general al TS Locks, Adrian Demusca, manifesta un optimism realist, in concordanta cu actualul context economic, ce presupune eforturi pentru depasirea efectelor negative ale recesiunii. „Acest domeniu este in mod indisolubil legat de dinamica pe care o vom consemna in sectorul tamplariei termoizolante si, implicit, pe segmentul sistemelor de feronerie. Din pacate, actualmente, fondurile pentru sustinerea programului guvernamental «Prima Casa» aproape s-au epuizat, iar aceasta reprezinta, practic, singura sursa financiara ce sustine, momentan, cererea din domeniu. Circa 80% din lucrarile realizate in prezent sunt finantate din astfel de fonduri, iar o epuizare prematura ar constitui o problema majora, in conditiile in care activitatea nu este sustinuta deloc de institutiile bancare din resursele pe care acestea le au la dispozitie. Experienta ne arata insa ca sansele de suplimentare a fondurilor publice din categoria respectiva sunt destul de mari, astfel incat este foarte probabil ca blocajul sa fie evitat, cum, de altfel, s-a mai intamplat in ultimii ani. Optimismul nostru se bazeaza asadar intr-o buna masura pe un asemenea scenariu”, a declarat oficialul companiei.
Programul national de reabilitare - o piedica in calea dezvoltarii
Sectorul local al sistemelor de feronerie s-a incadrat, in ultimii ani, pe un trend descendent, ca urmare directa a diminuarii cererii de tamplarie termoizolanta. Comentand pe marginea subiectului respectiv, mana­gerul TS Locks a afirmat ca „un impact deosebit de puternic, in sens negativ, a fost exercitat de actiunea populista a autoritatilor publice locale ce s-a concretizat prin asa-zisul program gratuit de reabilitare a imobilelor existente. Aceasta perspectiva a descurajat complet investitiile private si a dus la promovarea unor ansambluri avand calitati indoielnice de siguranta, eficienta energetica etc. De asemenea, trebuie mentionat faptul ca, in plus fata de problema slabei calitati, un alt dezavantaj mascat al proiectelor respective este constituit de sustinerea acestora din fonduri imprumutate de primarii de la anumite institutii financiare internationale, sumele urmand sa fie restituite, cu dobanda aferenta, la termene precise. Factura va fi decontata tot de contribuabili, astfel incat toate avantajele vehiculate in anii precedenti sunt, de fapt, anulate, intregul proces nefiind altceva decat o noua inducere in eroare a populatiei. De castigat din procedura respectiva au avut doar companiile care, pe baza unor relatii favorizate cu ordonatorii de credite, au reusit sa contracteze o mare parte din lucrari. Numarul acestora a fost insa limitat si nu a avut un impact semnificativ pentru evolutia pietei de profil din Romania. Restul firmelor care au reusit sa-si pastreze intr-o anumita masura rentabilitatea au fost cele care s-au orientat spre export, mentinand la cote oarecum normale cererea pentru sisteme de feronerie de calitate corespunzatoare. Numarul acestora este insa relativ mic, in continuare cererea orientandu-se spre solutiile cele mai ieftine, ce nu prezinta toate caracteristicile care sa asigure o functionare normala si confortabila a tamplariei”.
Fenomenul falsificarii produselor afecteaza bunul mers al afacerilor
In acest context special, TS Locks a incercat sa exploateze anumite nise de piata, orientandu-se pe furnizarea de sisteme de siguranta destinate echiparii unui modele specifice de usi. Din pacate, in prezent, cererea nu mai este deloc favorabila produselor inovatoare, fapt ce descurajeaza in mare masura procesul respectiv. „Incercam sa ne adaptam in mod dinamic noii conjuncturi economice, una dintre directiile in care putem actiona in mod eficient fiind constituita de imbunatatirea sistemului de distributie. In prezent, detinem depozite in Bucuresti, Timisoara, Brasov, Iasi, Baia Mare, Constanta, Afumati (Ilfov) etc., astfel incat putem afirma ca asiguram o acoperire completa a teritoriului national, toate produsele fiind livrate in mod direct de catre compania noastra”, a subliniat oficialul companiei. In continuare, problema cea mai presanta pe piata de profil este cea a neincasarii creantelor. A existat o perioada, la inceputul recesiunii, cand bancruta frauduloasa devenise o practica aplicata in mod frecvent de anumite companii, insa, in timp, aceasta problema s-a rezolvat in mod natural, iar piata s-a triat foarte mult. Pierderile generate au fost destul de mari, insa vestea buna este ca, in prezent, fenomenul respectiv aproape ca a disparut. Evident, atentia la modul in care se stabilesc parteneriatele este mult mai mare, iar modalitatile de plata acceptate sunt doar cele care prezinta garantii solide. Din pacate, piata de profil, in general si compania noastra, in special se confrunta cu un nou flagel, reprezentat de proliferarea produselor falsificate. In general, acestea sunt de provenienta asiatica, iar fenomenul este dificil de controlat, cu atat mai mult cu cat legislatia vamala, desi armonizata cu normele europene, nu este aplicata in mod corespunzator de autoritati. Astfel, apare o concurenta neloiala realizata de companii ce importa modele falsificate, fara a respecta standardele in vigoare in Uniunea Europeana si care, de multe ori, sunt preferate de producatori, din cauza preturilor mici. De foarte multe ori, dupa o scurta perioada de exploatare, sistemele respective se defecteaza, compania noastra confruntandu-se cu o serie de reclamatii de la utilizatori care au fost inselati de marcajul eronat al produselor. Chiar daca putem dovedi existenta falsului, impactul negativ persista in mentalitatea beneficiarilor, afectand imaginea produselor originale. Din pacate, fenomenul este imposibil de eradicat in absenta unei vointe ferme a statului roman de a stopa astfel de practici, iar singura metoda posibila este reprezentata de efectuarea unor controale stricte ale importurilor. Exista ideea preconceputa ca la originea acestora s-ar afla firme din Turcia, insa nu este adevarat, statul turc intensificand controlul exportului de feronerie, cu atat mai mult cu cat produsele din aceasta categorie reprezinta o sursa importanta in cadrul veniturilor publice din tara respectiva”, a mai adaugat directorul firmei.
Strategie unitara de promovare a produselor, implementata pe plan mondial
Portofoliul de produse promovate de TS Locks pe piata locala si importate de la compania Kale Kilit, din Turcia (unul dintre cei mai importanti promotori de sisteme speciale de inchidere activi pe plan international) este divers si include o gama extinsa de sortimente speciale, cum ar fi, de exemplu: cilindri pentru sisteme de inchidere, dispozitive ingropate sau aparente cu diferite grade de securitate, solutii ­antiefractie cu montaj la interior, accesorii, manere etc. In ultima perioada, oferta companiei s-a consolidat pe gamele existente, conducerea concernului punand accent pe diversificarea sortimentelor din portofoliu si imbunatatirea distributiei. De asemenea, au fost implementate planuri de marketing ce au ca obiectiv integrarea activitatii de promovare si centralizarea acesteia, astfel incat imaginea Kale Kilit pe plan mondial sa fie unitara si sa se poata asigura de la nivel central un control mai strict al operatiunilor de comercializare. Pe termen mediu si lung, este previzibila continuarea procesului de extindere a operatiunilor, cu accent pe diversificarea gamei sortimentale si adaptarea continua la noile exigente de siguranta impuse la nivelul Uniunii Europene - si nu numai.
Peste 100 milioane de usi echipate cu feronerie Kale Kilit
Grupul Kale Kilit are o experienta de peste o jumatate de secol in productia unor solutii de inchidere de inalta performanta, structura concernului fiind consolidata in mod permanent gratie strategiilor dinamice de dezvoltare implementate de-a lungul timpului. Utilizand tehnologii de fabricatie de ultima generatie, holdingul are, in prezent, o capacitate zilnica de productie de 100.000 de incuietori si 50.000 de cilindri, unitatile proprii dispunand de o suprafata ce depaseste 35.000 mp, unde activeaza 2.000 de specialisti din domeniu. Portofoliul de produse include mai mult de 350 de repere grupate in 9 categorii distincte, care, datorita conditiilor superioare de productie ce presupun procesarea complet automata, pot raspunde in mod optim oricarui tip de solicitare exprimata de utilizatori. Plasat pe pozitia 270 in topul celor mai importante facilitati industriale din Turcia, grupul distribuie aproximativ 65% din productie pe piata-mama, fiecare dintre modelele promovate beneficiind de o garantie de cinci ani. In prezent, Kale Kilit realizeaza 60% din exporturile nationale de sisteme de inchidere, acestea fiind livrate, in mod regulat, in 75 de state de pe intregul mapamond. Conform datelor statistice disponibile, peste 100 de milioane de usi din intreaga lume sunt echipate cu sisteme produse de compania din Turcia.
Eforturi de imbunatatire a distributiei pe piata din Romania
Sistemele Kale Kilit sunt disponibile pe piata din Romania prin intermediul companiei TS Locks Distribution, care a reusit, prin eforturile depuse de echipa de vanzari, sa asigure o cota importanta de piata pentru produsele specifice. In prezent, circa 75% din cifra de afaceri a societatii este asigurata din vanzarile de sisteme de inchidere pentru usi si feronerie pentru ferestre. O evolutie optima a livrarilor este inregistrata in zona Moldovei, care are o pondere semnificativa in cuantumul incasarilor. Pe termen mediu si lung, obiectivele majore de dezvoltare pe plan local sunt constituite de consolidarea cotei de piata, acoperirea completa a teritoriului national, securizarea afacerii prin implementarea unui model imbunatatit de control al costurilor si asigurare a platilor pentru marfurile livrate etc. In ceea ce priveste promovarea de solutii inovatoare, aceasta nu constituie o prioritate pe termen scurt, avand in vedere disponibilitatile financiare limitate ale beneficiarilor autohtoni si orientarea acestora catre modelele clasice si optimizate din punct de vedere al raportului calitate-pret.
TS LOCKS: Investment of one million euro to strengthen logistics
The window hardware supplier TS Locks Distribution, with the headquarters in Bucharest, reported for 2013 a turnover of 2.1 million EUR on this segment. The sales remained at the same level as in the previous year, reflecting a stabilization of business as a result of the measures implemented by the management team of the company in the past years. For 2014, the marketing plan forecasts an increase of sales placed between 15% and 20%, which will be a direct consequence of intensifying actions to strengthen its market share and, also, the completion of a new investment, which will have as a result an improvement of the company's logistics. Decision to allocate funds of about one million euro to build a warehouse with an area of 2,500 square meters and an office building reflects the confidence that the market will grow again in the next period, even the prospects for the near future indicate that only companies addressing an integrated strategy of development would have real chances to survive the current economical challenges. Referring to the short-term outlook concerning developments in the local construction sector, general manager TS Locks, Adrian Demusca show a realistic optimism. The construction activity is inextricably linked to the dynamics recorded in the thermal insulating joinery and with the segment of the hardware systems. Unfortunately, in this period the funds to support the government program "First House" have nearly exhausted, this being virtually the only financial source that sustain the demand in the field. Nearly 80% of the work done in these days is financed from such funds and a premature exhaustion would be a major problem, given that the activity is not supported by banking institutions with the resources they have available. The experience shows, however, that the chances for allocation of additional public funds in that category are quite important, so it is likely that the blockage to be avoided, as it happened in recent years.
(articol aparut in revista Fereastra, editia Mai-Iunie 2014)

KALE KILIT: 150.000 locks & cylinder sold everyday
Kale Kilit group is Turkey’s leading manufacturer in the field of mechanical locks and cylinders, being responsible for 65% of the orders on the Romanian market. Around 50% of production is designated to export in 75 countries on regular basis annually. Up till now, Kale Kilit has reached 102 countries in the world and is used on more than 100 million doors. The current forecast anticipates a growth of 30% in sales in both 2015 and 2016. The Turkish group uses state of the art technology for daily manufacturing of 100.000 locks and 50.000 cylinders, the facilities with an area around 35.000 square meter employing a workforce of 2,000 specialists. With its current levels of production and sales, Kale Kilit fortified its position as the leading lock manufacturer, supplying its customers with secure and high quality products, thanks to the full technologically controlled operations and automated production facilities.

Sedat Özgür, Chairman of Kale Industry Holding:
„Our group, which takes firm steps forward to become a global brand, sustains its success of exporting. This also indicates that Turkey is more and more a rising star in the international market. We are proud of our contribution to the growth of out country. Kale Kilit is the first brand that rises in the mind of customers when it comes about security issues. We are producing solutions for all kind of requirements made by a diversified range of customers, and our innovative systems benefit from a well define place on the global level. Besides Middle East, North Africa and Far East Markets (including the Gulf Region), we are increasing our presence in every year, focusing the attention toward big markets like Russia, but not ignoring emergent regions, such as Romania”.

The main objective - to be one step ahead of burglars
According to the business principles of the company’s management team, the current performance would not been possible without a highly efficient organization of the sales department. „Yet, many companies do not pay sufficient attention to this fact, and sales often take place in a less organized manner, based on personal contacts and additional incentives for the buyer instead of a professional approach to the process. Considering our geographical and product structure, a client-based approach combined with a well-trained sales force have to work together in an integrated manner and become a truly business model, in order to help salesmen to achieve success and, in the same time, to maximize the customer’s benefits. To achieve these goals, we decided to put the security issues on the first place and established the objective to always stay one step ahead of burglars. Practically, with Kale advanced security cylinder, recently announced as Kale trap and automatic blockage, alarm cylinders etc. we manage to reinforce our portfolio and to offer the best solutions to our Turkish and international customers. We also put a strong accent on the progress, encouraging a continuous innovation process and improvement of products, especially on the steel doors and electronic door locks segments”, stated Sedat Özgür, Chairman of Kale Kilit.
Marketing innovations to improve the client orientation
An important element underlying the current development of the company is represented by the coherent strategy related to the marketing mix. „A successful marketing strategy depends on understanding the expectations of the customers, what they need and how they can be attracted to buy a specific product. Getting closer to customer is crucial in order to ensure a sustainable growth of a modern enterprise. We are building actually a customer centered organization, the final aim being to gain a competitive advantage. We develop the partnerships and our differentiation marketing focuses on customer retention and satisfaction, in order to enhance our relationships with existing clients, to increase their loyalty to our products and, of course, the brand awareness. On the Romanian market, we have been working on exclusive dealership with TS Locks, located in Bucharest. Our distributor is specialized both in sale and wholesale, professionally contacting all potential users and customers and trying to sell as large quantity of products as possible. Our partner maintains an appropriate stock of Kale brand products, which are sufficient to ensure an optimal delivery of the products to the different consumers. Another element which must be emphasized is that, in Romania, we do our utmost to accurately handle the demand and to promptly meet all the customer complaints”, added the official of the group.
The recession did not affect very much the profitability
During the economic crisis which exerted a strong negative effect on the European and international market, Kale Kilit operations have suffered some contractions, especially related to the export activities. „To be honest, the recent recession happened mostly in the Western world, and Turkish economy was not very affected by this situation. Moreover, our attention is mainly focused on MENA (Middle East and North Africa) and Russia and other CIS countries markets, even if we have some share of our business in Europe. Nowadays, the needs for the security solutions are increasing rapidly and, in this context, our brand image developed well in the areas mentioned above. We implement the principles of mass marketing, which include promoting products with competitive price without any quality compromises. Using this method, our «business machinery» never stopped. Likewise, we managed to control our production costs, in order to offer the best prices to our customers. All these aspects helped to preserve the group profitability during the economical crisis and to have very optimistic prospects on medium and long term”, said the chairman of Kale Kilit.
New products for a market in recovery
The prospect of recovery in Europe are disputable, but the executive managers of Kale Kilit consider that in the next period some difficulties will follow for the lock systems industry. Under these circumstances, the customers will be directed to more optimized solutions, rather than towards expensive and complex products. Considering the new paradigm, the development strategy involves an orientation through different products, which have the capacity to properly adapt to the demand. This is why Kale Kilit adapted its portfolio, including an advanced lock designated to be installed for steel doors. Sold under the name of Kale Otomatik, the device guarantees a fair increase of the security issues. Due to its revolutionary latch, the system automatically locks the door without requiring further actions from inside or outside. This is why the risk of forgetting the door unlocked is completely inexistent. The bolts slide 32 mm into the opposite bracket as soon as the door closes, ensuring maximum security. From inside, the assembly opens very simply, by either pressing the handle or rotating the latch. Kale Otomatik can be fitted to all kind of steel doors, saving the precious time of operation and providing a high level of safety.
Extensive distribution network and a positive brand perception
Kale Kilit’s rapid growth is the outright result of more than half of a century of experience in the field of security systems for doors and windows. The Turkish company consistently followed a path which supposed respecting high standards of quality of production, as well as developing a dynamic and powerful sales structure. Its national and regional investment potential has contributed greatly to Turkey’s economical growth, as the company plays an important role in the industrial manufacturing sector. Kale Kilit has succeeded in accessing international markets and it is presently ranked amongst the leading global brands in the analyzed sector, promoting a wide range of aluminium, PVC, wooden and steel door lock and cylinders. Each product benefits from a 5 year warranty and has been certified at national and international standards, all products in the portfolio being easily accessible to all wholesale and retail outlets. This achievement is the result of Kale’s extensive distribution networks, positive brand perception, more than 15 years of experience and production based on quality, trust and guarantees.
A place among the first 10 suppliers in the world
Kale Kilit was founded by Sadık Özgür in 1953 and now the company has become a powerful player in the Turkish economy due to its manufacturing, employment and export figures. In 1957, the workshop moved to a new facility in Bahçelievler measuring an area of 1.640 sqm. Production continued with increased numbers of employees and machinery and the company had successfully begun to manufacture padlocks. A few years later, the firm was renamed Kale Madeni Esya Fabrikası, and has produced in 1965 the first safe lock in Turkey. From the beginning, the attention focused on customer, production and service, in the same time a strong accent being put on high product standards, business ethics and honest principles. This is why Kale Madeni Esya Fabrikası swiftly became the first Turkish company on the locks export segment. The activity on external regions extended within a short period of time and, just as in Turkey, the company succeeded in becoming a leading lock brand at a worldwide level. Due to the increasing demand, the company moved to its current location in Gungoren, where the first integrated technological locks factory was established. In 1980, the company manufactured the first Turkish master cylinder system and a decade and a half later the first local multi-point locking system was produced. At the beginning of the current century the production of monoblock and security locks for steel door and also a revolutionary claw type system started. Kale Killit is now the leading producer on the domestic market and has recorded growth in exports on an annual basis. Presently, a new factory is being constructed in Cerkezkoy (about 100 km far from Istanbul city centre). The facility will have 100.000 square meters of closed area and it will deliver ‘’security’’ and ‘’quality’’ products, helping Kale Kilit to fortify its position as a leader and pioneer in the door locks field, both in production and volume of sales. The export figures achieved between 2006 and 2013 ensured the leadership in the „metal goods” category of the General Secretariat of Istanbul Mineral and Metal Exporters Association (IMMIB). Because of this rating, the company was awarded the „Star of Exports” prize for eight consecutive years. Kale Kilit has spearheaded the movement for the industrialization of Turkey and has secured its position amongst Turkey’s top 500 large industrial establishments. With ever-increasing annual turnover, Kale Kilit aims to be placed within 10 years amongst the world’s top 10 lock brands.
Innovative, talented and open minded young team of specialists
The group comprises the following companies: Kale Kilit ve Kalıp San. A.S., Kale Kilit Dıs Ticaret A.S., Kale Celik Esya San A.S., Kale Kapı Pencere Sistemleri Paz. Ve Tic. A.S., Kale Sigorta Acenteciliği A.S., Kaleyapı Gayrimenkul Gelistirme A.S., Kale Topkapı Bina İsletme Gayrimenkul Gelistirme, Kale İnsaat San. Ve Tic. A.S. ve Kale Güvenlik Sistemleri A.S. The integrated factory is equipped with steel rolls and sheet cutting equipment, modern presses, an electrostatic powder paint facility, brass, nickel, chrome, zinc and copper plating, machine tooling, metal injection departments, automation, brass processing workbenches and conveyor belts for assembly. Kale Kilit has the capacity to carry out all types of cutting and injecting, as well as the production and revision of all products under one roof. In keeping pace with industrial requirements, the specially installed systems enable company experts to observe and control each step of production. The group has adopted many aspects of „lean production” concept, in order to meet the new needs in terms of quality and performance. The success of the own „Kale Production System” is mainly attributed to innovative, talented and open-minded young engineers working for the Turkish company.
KALE KILIT: 150.000 de sisteme de incuietori vandute zilnic
Furnizorul de sisteme de feronerie si solutii de inchidere Kale Kilit, din Turcia, are o activitate puternic orientata spre export, in prezent peste jumatate din productia zilnica (100.000 de dispozitive de siguranta pentru usi, respectiv 50.000 de cilindri) fiind destinata livrarii pe mai mult de 75 de piete externe. Grupul detine o unitate moderna de fabricatie avand o suprafata de peste 35.000 mp, unde lucreaza peste 2.000 de specialisti. Conform estimarilor curente si avand in vedere orientarea spre regiunile din Orientul Mijlociu si Africa de Nord, care nu au fost afectate de recesiune, este de asteptat ca rezultatele financiare din 2015 si 2016 sa consemneze ajustari pozitive de peste 30%. Secretul succesului strategiei de dezvoltare a societatii este constituit de implementarea unor concepte moderne de marketing diferential, ce presupun orientarea puternica spre client in demersul de asigurare a fidelitatii acestuia fata de marca. Un obiectiv major pentru perioada urmatoare este acela de crestere a notorietatii brandului si de consolidare a pozitiilor detinute pe plan mondial, inclusiv in Romania, unde produsele Kale Kilit sunt disponibile prin intermediul distribuitorului TS Locks. In acest scop, conducerea grupului a luat decizia constructiei unei noi fabrici, pe un teren cu o suprafata de 100.000 mp, amplasat in localitatea Cerkezkoy (la 100 km de Istanbul). Prin actiunea respectiva se va asigura consolidarea productivitatii la un nivel foarte ridicat si se va garanta obtinerea unor sisteme de cea mai inalta calitate. De altfel, eforturile respective au fost rasplatite de Asociatia Exportatorilor de Produse Metalice din Turcia (IMMIB), care a acordat companiei Kale Kilit titlul de cea mai buna firma la categoria sa pentru opt ani consecutiv. In conditiile date, pe termen mediu si lung tinta principala este reprezentata de castigarea unui loc in topul primilor 10 furnizori internationali de profil. In opinia managementului companiei, acest lucru va fi posibil prin diversificarea portofoliului, adaptarea la solicitarile partenerilor si focalizarea atentiei asupra unor piete emergente de mari dimensiuni.
(articol aparut in revista Fereastra, editia Ianuarie-Februarie 2015)

Produse & tehnologii

Agenda Investitiilor
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