Producatori de tamplarie
Publicat de Ovidiu Stefanescu
31 Mar 2016 08:21
 After in 2014 managers of the companies specialized in the manufacturing of aluminum/steel joinery continued to implement restructuring measures, during the last year they were prepared to cope with a rising demand. Thus, in 2015 there were more opportunities in non-residential construction sector, where there has also been registered an increase of 1.1% in the volume of works and, at the same time, there was an emphasis on orientation to projects in other EU countries. For 2016 it is estimated that the market, in the absence of a macroeconomic slippage, the growth could continue, given that the previous 12 months have witnessed a relatively sustainable development in terms of volume on different categories of buildings, although the residential sector (where, in more and more cases, the customers choose to install high performance aluminum windows) recorded a decrease. To illustrate some of the market forecast, it is important to emphasize that, like in the last year, the local producers should adopt on short term a moderately optimistic business strategy, in order to maintain the sales at least at the parameters like in 2015, which, in many cases, means a continuation of the uptrend. In the absence of reliable data on this field, some information available from Eurostat confirms that for the Prodcom code afferent to the aluminum carpentry, in 2014 the certified share was 4.7% in quantity terms, while in value the results announced by the European statistical office were relatively close to the ones specified in the most recent edition of the study conducted by FEREASTRA magazine (11.5%). If it is keep in mind that, in 2014, the same source indicates a Romanian production of aluminum doors, thresholds and windows totaling 195.274 units, worth over 35.6 million euro, based on estimates of the National Prognosis Commission (CNP), is assumed that in 2015, the production of aluminum joinery did not exceed 207.390 units (worth about 37.84 million euro), and this year will reach 218.390 units (39.84 million euro).