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Sambata, 15 Martie 2025
Home - Stiri - Producatori de Tamplarie - THE PACE of domestic investments influences the local industry
THE PACE of domestic investments influences the local industry
Producatori de tamplarie Publicat de Ovidiu Stefanescu 10 Oct 2016 08:06
The dynamics of thermal insulating joinery market during the latter part of the year will clearly be influenced not only by the electoral period (with uncertain effects), but also by the flow of investments. Fortunately, if include the export operations which is one of the growth engines for the companies in the field, a series of macroeconomic indicators of this type already reflect a definite comeback to the local economy, being placed, like the construction sector, in a post recession recovery period. Moreover, after the political and economic turmoil which marked lately the business environment, followed by a period of slightly less tense, it would not be surprising for managers of companies in the branch of joinery that the domestic sales to be better than in 2015. Characterized by more or less optimism, the executive managers involved in the windows industry are agreeing the export option is complemented by a relatively good dynamic in terms of internal orders, whereas consumption increases visible and the major public or private investments seem to be more consistent. Similarly compared to the previous months, at least for now, the second half seems to represent a period marked by significant positive changes, though, as during the recession, the financial results announced by specialized firms and the outlined projections on short term remain highly disparate and often contradictory. At all this it adds to the risk - not insignificant - of insolvency, during the first eight months of the current year being started (or continued, often in a context of an unwanted bankruptcy) several insolvency processes for companies active in the sector. Recently was highlighted at least 22 such cases occurred in 2016, which - unfortunately - have involved important brands. From this perspective, it's difficult to predict at this time what impact it will have on annual turnovers the peak season, which is theoretically in full swing and accounted as the most important moment of the year for the market's operators.
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