Fereastra - Portal de afaceri - revista de specialitate pentru furnizorii de sisteme si producatorii de tamplarie din PVC, Aluminiu si lemn stratificat cu geam termoizolant. Aici gasiti informatii utile despre: ferestre, usi, pereti cortina, termopane, geam termopan, etc.

Duminica, 16 Martie 2025
Home - Stiri - Producatori de Tamplarie - Average increase of 6%, estimated for PVC assemblies production
Average increase of 6%, estimated for PVC assemblies production
Producatori de tamplarie Publicat de Ovidiu Stefanescu 25 Feb 2016 14:57
Based on data published by Eurostat, regarding the production of PVC windows and doors in our country (by value and by quantity) and according to some predictions of the National Commission for Prognosis - CNP on the evolution of the volume of construction works on medium term (until 2019), we were able to establish some estimates, with some degree of accuracy on the dynamics of production. From the outset, it must be said that the evolution of this segment will draw on the entire national industries of insulating windows and doors, given the largest share of PVC assortments, which market share will not change soon. The manufacturers permanently diversify their offer, including on foreign markets, which became very profitable lately. According to Eurostat, in 2014 (the latest year with full statistical results) the PVC assemblies had a 71.5% share of total sold production. At some distance, follows the assemblies in aluminum, with 10.9%, wood (7.5%) and steel (4.3%). It should be noted that, in this respect, transactions are not included import/export activities, which were analyzed in separate diagrams, published in the December 2015 edition of the study "Joinery market: 2015-2016 Analysis & Outlook 2017-2020 (TOP 500)", conducted by Fereastra magazine. Also, codes Prodcom on which were established data on production in Romania refers only to windows, doors, frames, sashes, and thresholds made of PVC, wood, steel and aluminum, without being considered special construction like curtain walls, conservatories and skylights, which currently could not be identified. In any case, one can consider that if the CNP growth indicators translate into reality for every market segment analyzed, the PVC share will not change, at least until 2019. Therefore, in 2015, the production of this kind of assemblies apparently not exceeded 3.97 million units and 248.8 million euro, and this year will be placed at 4.18 million units and 261.9 million euro. In the next three years, there will be 4.42 million units and nearly 277.2 million euro (2017), about 4.7 million units and 294.3 million euro (2018) and 5.01 million units and 313.5 million euro in 2019. At that moment, will also be overcame the psychological thresholds in terms of both quantity and value.
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